It was our pleasure to be part of the Congress for yet another year, by organizing the Round Table, “Coaching outside the 4 lines: Legal issues related to the coaching profession”.
On Saturday 1/6, the 32nd International Congress of Physical Education and Sports Science at the Democritus University of Thrace in Komotini was completed.
The AP Sports Law Office team, along with guest speakers and esteemed colleagues, Mr Achilleas Mavromatis and Mr Alexandros Nousias organised an interactive seminar, aiming to approach the contemporary and multilevel issues related to the coaching profession.
Along with distinguished coaches such as Vangelis Samios and Vaios Gioras, we analysed the legal issues of sport and the crucial role of sports law in sports professions.
In front of a welcoming and active audience consisting of lawyers, students, athletes, club executives, journalists and professors, we discussed about the profession of coaches, contracts and labor relations, and we dared to explore the context in which the profession of coaches for athletes with disabilities operates. In a pioneering presentation, we explored the legislative changes that Artificial Intelligence will bring (or has already brought) to the job and the architecture of contractual relationships between coaches and sports organizations.
Important conclusions were drawn, such as the following:
A definition of coaches is necessary for all sports.
The coach must be familiar with sports law and all the regulations of his sport and generally those regulations that concern sport integrity and sport ethics.
The development of sport for people with disabilities must be based on the training and education of coaches, which in Greece is insufficient.
The use of AI is no longer in the distant future and raises ethical as well as practical legal issues that require immediate discussion in the coaching profession.
The education of coaches on legal issues, but also on issues that go beyond the strict professional obligations of a coach, must be integrated into the course of studies of Universities and Coaching Schools.